Is Your Brand Compass Pointed In The Wrong Direction? — MediaPost

The kernel of a narrative strategy starts with the company, the people and processes it relies on to reach customers, and only then, the brand it wants to express through them. Tell your own stories internally to discover what stories you must tell externally to engage and keep a customer.

Marketers need to recalibrate and focus on understanding their own brand instead of pandering to Millennials (or any consumer, for that matter). Time and effort are better spent really understanding what their brand stands for, why they exist, and what they believe in beyond profits. (Special shout-out to Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” philosophy.) It’s simply flawed logic to make the consumer — even the holy-grail of all consumers, the Millennial — a brand’s North star.

Source: Is Your Brand Compass Pointed In The Wrong Direction? 09/11/2017