Social media pages for store locations have 5x the engagement of brand pages — Martech Today

MomentFeed reported that “an astonishing 84.8 percent of all consumer impressions happen on assets that represent individual stores, showrooms and restaurants. Just 15.2 percent of impressions happen on brand or corporate assets — including the brand’s own website.”

Source: Social media pages for store locations have 5x the engagement of brand pages [Report]

Why artificial intelligence is different from previous technology waves – O’Reilly Media

Great article. This paragraph is a story in itself. The creative world is undergoing the same change today.

The first factor is the barrier to entry for a single developer to create something useful. If developers have the ability to create or tweak their own implementation, you get rapid dispersion of the technology and many improvements both big and small through the contributions of the developer crowd.

Source: Why artificial intelligence is different from previous technology waves – O’Reilly Media

9% Of U.S. Broadband Households Plan To Buy A VR Headset; Samsung Leads — MediaPost

Gaming and entertainment come in first and second in planned VR headset usage, but social interactions, education, and shopping fill out the list. New storytelling challenges.

Within the next year, 9% of U.S. broadband households plan to purchase a virtual reality headset, up from 5% a year ago, according to research from Parks Associates.

Source: 9% Of U.S. Broadband Households Plan To Buy A VR Headset; Samsung Leads 07/03/2017

Opinion: A necessary distortion? Storytelling and responsibility in global development | Devex

We are given incentives for fitting our work into story structures: for publishing research where we prioritize novelty over replicability; for providing success stories, when we know there is more to be learned from failure or, perhaps even more so, in the spaces between failure and success. Social media demands messages be boiled down to 140 characters for the eight-second attention span. These are packaged into convenient parcels to demonstrate our preferred identity as we share a link to a story we’ve never read. The pressure is to keep things simple, short and compelling.

Stories are powerful, but too often their power comes from ignoring aspects of reality that don’t fit the narrative. The focus on a protagonist obscures the range of efforts and individuals that go into development outcomes. Used irresponsibly, stories can undermine the reality of how development actually takes place, understate the challenges facing our partner communities, and can make us appear naive or, at worst, cynical. And that doesn’t even touch on the ethical questions of us defining the protagonist’s story, rather than them.

Source: Opinion: A necessary distortion? Storytelling and responsibility in global development | Devex

Why storytelling in the workplace can improve how teams function – People Management Magazine Online

Moore has conducted research with around 60 leaders from private and not-for-profit organisations to find out to what extent they shared personal stories in a work context, and what effect it had on how they were viewed as leaders and the dynamics of their team.

While she said it was early days for her research, she was surprised by how much leaders do open up and share stories. “It seems that when story sharing is done in the right way, with the right conditions and in the appropriate context, it could have quite a few benefits,” said Moore. “The research and interviews I have done suggest it might enhance the quality of the relationships between members of teams, as well as impacting on how a team functions and even its productivity.“

From a leader’s perspective, knowing the stories, histories, motivations and values of the people you lead could be an incredibly valuable piece of information.”

Source: Why storytelling in the workplace can improve how teams function – People Management Magazine Online